Thursday – 12/29/22

A: 8 Rounds for time of:
4 Power Cleans (135/95)
4 Push-ups
B: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 5 rounds:
21 KB American Swings (53/35)
12 Burpees (to target – 6” above fingertip with stretched out arms)

A: 5 Rounds of Max Plank holds with 30 second rest between.
B: 4×6 strict pull-ups (use band if needed)
C: : 12 min Partner Cal Row:
Switch every min

Wednesday – 12/28/22

A: 10-min EMOM:
1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Hang Power snatch+ 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Sotts Press (45/35 – all same weight)

B: Build to heavy triple: Power Snatch

C: 4 Rounds for time of (16-min cap):
400m Run
12 Toes to Bar
12 Box Jumps (24/20)

Tuesday – 12/27/22

A: 10 Min EMOM of:
Odd: 5 Thrusters (65/45)
Even: 10 BB Rows (65/45)

B: Back Squat 5×5 up to 70%

C: 1500m Row – Every 250m complete max strict shoulder presses (45/35) (Score: # of presses)
(Mobility for the day: Shoulders, Pecs, Back)

Monday – 12/26/22

For Time (20 min cap)

200m run
21 Kettlebell Swing @ 18kg
12 pull-ups
50 Double Unders

200m run
21 KBS @ 18kg
12 pull-ups
40 DU

200m run
21 KBS @ 18kg
12 pull-ups
30 DU

200m run
21 KBS @ 18kg
12 pull-ups
20 DU

200m run
21 KBS @ 18kg
12 pull-ups
10 DU

Saturday – 12/24/22 Xmas Eve

Classes today at 8am and 9am (no 10am class). We will be closed on Christmas tomorrow. No 6am class on Monday.

The 12 Days of Christmas (complete like the song: Round 1 do the 1st movement – Round 2 do the 2nd movement, then the 1st again – Round 3 do the 3rd movement, then 2nd, then 1st – and so on…)

1. Thruster (75/55)
2. Muscle Up (Scale: Chest to bar, Pull up, Ring Row)
3. Toes to Bar (Scale: Toe Touch Crunches)
4. Chest to bar (Scale: pull-up, Ring Row)
5. Double Unders (Scale: 2:1)
6. Snatches (75/55) (Scale: Alternating DB Snatches)
7. Slam Balls
8. Wall Balls (14/20 – 9/10)
9. American Swings (53/35) (Scale: Regular Swings)
10. KB Front Rack Lunges (5 each side) (53/35)
11. Handstand Push-ups (Scale: Pike Push-ups, Scale 2: Regular Push-ups)
12. Burpee Box Jumps

Friday – 12/23/22

A: Work to heavy Clean and Jerk

B: 12 min AMRAP of:
200m Run
12 KB Deadlifts
100m Farmer Carry

Thursday – 12/22/22

No KB class at 4pm

A: 15-15-15 Reps for time of:
Thrusters (75/55) and Push-ups
B: 16 Alternating Rounds (20:10)
Plank Hold
Good Mornings
Superman Angels

A: EMOM 12 – 6 Air Squats, 3 Burpees
B: For Time:
150m Row – 1 min Rest
250m Row – 1 min Rest
350m Row – 5 min Rest
1000m Row

Wednesday – 12/21/22

A: 5 Rounds for time of:
10 Sit-ups
10 KB Swings
10 Double Unders

B: 4×3 Max weight for the day – Back Squats

Tuesday – 12/20/22

A: EMOM 10 – 1 Snatch + 3 Box Jumps (same weight for all rounds – Mid to heavy weight for snatch)

B: For Time:
10 Deadlifts (205/155)
10 Pull-ups
10 Deadlifts
10 Toes to bar
800m Row

Monday – 12/19/22

5 Rounds of 3 complexes:
1 Complex =
2 Hang Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push-presses + 1 Overhead Squat
(Rest as needed between rounds)

Saturday – 12/17/22

Partner WOD: 2 minute each movement – trade off as you wish
KB Swings
Goblet Squats
KB/DB Snatch
Burpees onto plate
KB Halos
Bent Rows
Deck Squats
Heels over KBs
Turkish Get-ups

Friday – 12/16/22

A: 3×3 Push Press (add weight between rounds)

B: Split Jerks – Work on mechanics to mid/heavy weight

C: Grace – For Time
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Thursday – 12/15/22

A: 21-15-9 For Time of Burpees and DB Thrusters (35/25)

B: 16 Alternating Rounds (20:10)
Penguin Heel Taps
Bicycle Crunch
Superman Angels
Dead-hang from rig

A: Death by:
Wall Balls + Push-ups

B: For Time: 20 min Cap
3000m Row
300 Double Unders (1:1)

Wednesday – 12/14/22

A: Tabata Plank (Alternate rounds from hands to shoulders)

B: 7 Min AMRAP of:
10 Push Presses (85/55)
20 Walking Lunges

C: 3X6 Deadlift – For Heavy for the day

D: 10 Burpees for time

Tuesday – 12/13/22

A: EMOM 8 – 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance
Straight into

B: EMOM 8 – 3 Power Cleans
(For both A&B – Grab weights ahead of time to have near you – add weight – each or every other round to heavy for day)

C: 8-min Amrap of:
8 KB Swings
8 Wall Balls (10/9 – 20/14)
8 Supermans

Monday – 12/12/22

A: Back Squat 4×4 for max weight for the day

B: 10 Rounds for time of:
15 KB Swings (62/53)
5 Pull-ups
1 minute rest

C: 10 Burpees for time

Saturday – 12/10/22

16-min AMRAP of:
20 Double Unders (Singles 3:1)
15 ABMAT Sit ups (RX+ – Toes to Bar)
20 Double Unders (Singles 3:1)
20 Slam Balls
15 Wall Balls (10/9 – 20/14)
20 Slam Balls
20 Ring Rows (RX+: Pull-ups)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Ring Rows (RX+: Pull-ups)

Friday – 11/9/22

4 Rounds for time of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Renegade Rows (35/25)
5/5 Alternating Floor Presses (35/25)
100m Farmer Carry with Plates (grip with fingers in hole)
200m Sandbag Carry
400m Run

Thursday – 12/8/22

A: For time:
100m Run + 100m Row – Rest 1 minute
200m Run + 200m Row – Rest 1 minutes
300m Run + 300m Row – Rest 1 minutes
200m Run + 200m Row – Rest 1 minutes
100m Run + 100m Row

B: Back Squats: 6 rounds of 2 reps for max weight

C. 10 burpees for time

Wednesday – 12/7/22

A: For Time:
5 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
10 Deadlifts (135/95)
20 Push-ups
30 Reverse Lunges (RX+ 20/15s held at your sides)
40 Double Unders
50 KB Swings
40 Double Unders
30 Reverse Lunges (RX+ 20/15s held at your sides)
20 Push-ups
10 Deadlifts (135/95)
5 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

B: 10 Burpees for time