Tuesday – 12/1/20

The giving tree is up! Grab a tag and help out a family in need.

A: Build to heavy 5-rep Sumo-Deadlift

B: Deduct 15% of the heaviest weight and complete 2 rounds of 5 reps

C: 10 minute EMOM:
3 Thrusters (75/105)
6 Burpees over the Bar

Monday – 11/30/20

Please mark your calendar for Saturday, December 19th, when we will host a memorial WOD in honor of former LCF member Danny Williams, who recently passed away. Please let us know if you would like a copy of the invitation with additional details (there will be four time slots). There is also a GoFundMe for his surviving wife and two children.

20 Minute AMRAP (You will need one heavier KB, one lighter KB):
– 20 KB Squat + Press
– 20 KB Swings
– 20 KB Over/Under Lunge
– 100m Over/Under Carry

Saturday – 11/28/20

For time:
800m Run
40 KB Swings (35/26)
40 Goblet Squats (35/26)
40 Hand Release Push-ups
400m Run
20 KB Swings (35/26)
20 Goblet Squats (35/26)
20 Hand Release Push-ups
200m run
10 KB Swings (35/26)
10 Goblet Squats (35/26)
10 Hand Release Push-ups

Friday – 11/27/20

A. Hang Snatch: Build to heavy double

B. 10-minute AMRAP of:
10 Double Unders
10 Hang Power Snatch (55/75)
10 Bent Over Rows (55/75)
10 Alternating V-ups