1 July 17

There’s only one way to get better at dips

Skill: Snatch

MetCon: 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1 of

Overhead Squats (55, 75) & Pushups

Please note that Tuesday is Independence Day and that the gym will be open only for the 9am WOD.

30 June 17

Strength: Deadlift 5, 5, 5+
MetCon: “Newbie”, Rest 3 min, “Newbie”
(“Newbie” = 400m Run, 40 Air Squats, 30 Situps, 20 Pushups, 10 Pullups)

29 June 17

CrossFit makes us smile

Skill: Back Roll

MetCon: 10 rds for time of a sprint to the no parking sign, 10 KB Swings out there, backpedal back inside, 5 DB Thrusters

Doctor of Physical Therapy Jon Ide-Don is coming back to Lamorinda CrossFit tonight at 6pm. This time he will be discussing squat mobility which is a great opportunity for anyone who has difficulty performing Overhead squats or Pistol squats. LCF members get in free, $25 admittance for non-members.

28 June 17

Strength: Dip 5, 5, 5+
Skill: Muscle up
MetCon: For time 60 Double Unders, 45 Russian Twists, 30 Cal AirDyne, 15 Strict Pullups
Doctor of Physical Therapy Jon Ide-Don is coming back to Lamorinda CrossFit this Thursday at 6pm. This time he will be discussing squat mobility which is a great opportunity for anyone who has difficulty performing Overhead squats or Pistol squats. LCF members get in free, $25 admittance for non-members.

27 June 17

Strength: Front Squat 5, 5, 5+
AMRAP in 2 minutes of Box Jumps
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 2 minutes of Stepups
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 2 minutes of Broad Jumps
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP in 2 minutes of Walking Lunges
4pm Kettlebell
5 4 3 2 1 reps of double kettlebells
Thrusters, alt press, cleans, front squats
Tabata 2 hand release swings
Tabata kb TGU sit up
Doctor of Physical Therapy Jon Ide-Don is coming back to Lamorinda CrossFit this Thursday at 6pm. This time he will be discussing squat mobility which is a great opportunity for anyone who has difficulty performing Overhead squats or Pistol squats. LCF members get in free, $25 admittance for non-members.