Thursday 9/29/16

Kick ass morning crew, <a href=

search in the wee hours. Good Morning!”/> Kick ass morning crew, in the wee hours. Good Morning!

A: Burgener Warm Up

B: 8 – 90 second rounds of:

1 clean + 1 hang clean + 1 clean

C: 3 rounds for time

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

100 meter Sprint

10 Power Cleans (185/135)

Wednesday 9/28/16

here Luck and Health” picture and article from The CrossFit Journal”/> “Fitness, Luck and Health” picture and article from The CrossFit Journal

A: For time complete:

4 trips around the gym pushing a 45/25lb plate on the ground

30 calorie row

3 trips around the gym pushing a 45/25lb plate on the ground

20 calorie row

2 trips around the gym pushing a 45/25lb plate on the ground

10 calorie row

1 Plate Push Round Trips

B: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes complete: 5 bench presses

Tuesday 9/27/16

A: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes complete: 3 Back Squat

B: AMRAP in 15 minutes of

30 double unders

20 thrusters (45/35)

10 toes to bar

Monday 9/26/16

A: 3 rounds not for time of

15 Sec Free Standing HS Hold (Have them partner up and help each others)

10 Sec Top of Chin Up Hold (Strong clients have them do these weighted)

10 Pistols (5 Each side)

B: Perform 3 rounds of

400m Sand Bag Carry 50/35

12 Push Presses 115/75lb

12 Box Jumps 24/20”

12 KB SDHP 62/53lb