Monday – 11/1/21

Push press
95% 2×1
1x max reps

For Time:
2 rounds of:
500m Row
5 burpees over the erg

Into 3 rounds of:
10 pull-ups
10 kb swings 53/35
10 ab mat sit-ups

Saturday – 10/30/21

“Ghouls Night Out”

13 Rounds of:
6 Devils Presses (35/25)
6 Deadlift (135/95)
6 Ground to overhead (135/95)

Friday – 10/29/21

A: Deadlifts
5 x 30% (rest 30-45 sec)
5 x 40% (rest 30-45 sec)
3 x 50% (rest 30-45 sec)
3 x 60% (rest 30-45 sec)
2 x 70% (rest 30-45 sec)
2 x 80% (rest 1-2 min)
4 rounds of 1 rep @ 90% (rest 1-3 min)

B: 15-minute AMRAP of:
2 Front Squats (55/75)
2 Power Snatches (55/75)
2 Push Presses (55/75)
4 Front Squats (55/75)
4 Power Snatches (55/75)
4 Push Presses (55/75)
6.6.6 – 8.8.8 – 10.10.10 etc.

Continue as above adding 2 reps to each movement until time is up

Thursday – 10/29/21

A: For Time:

2 Rounds of 200m Run + 20 Double Unders


3 Rounds of 9 Toes to bar + 9 KB Swings + 9 KB Snatches

B: Push Presses
3 x 30% (rest 30-45 sec)
3 x 50% (rest 30-45 sec)
3 x 60% (rest 30-45 sec)
3×3 Adding weight between rounds (45 seconds to 2 minutes)

C: 3 rounds of Max Reps Strict Pull-ups

Endurance (at 5pm, along with open gym):

A: 3x 45 second run out and back – 45 second rest

B: 6 Rounds of 250m Row – Rest the time it took you to complete the row each round.

C: Tabata Wall Balls (20/14)