Thursday 12/31/15

Melissa and Jill celebrating their year's end, each with a Personal Record in deadlifting!

Melissa and Jill celebrating their year’s end, each with a Personal Record in deadlifting!

Good Bye 2015

For Time

31 deadlifts (75/55)

31 sit-ups

31 pull-ups

31 burpees

31 knees to elbows

310 meter row

31 wallballs (20/14 – 10/9)

31 kettlebell swings (53/35, Russian)

310 meter row

31 box jumps (24/20)

31 overhead squats

31 double unders

31 push presses (75/55)

31 goblet squats (53/35)

310 meter row



Wednesday 12/30/15

David doing what he does!

David doing what he does!

Warm-up/Skill Work: 2 rounds not for time of:

8 Strict toes to bar

10 kettle bell snatches (5 each side)

10 shoulder retractions from pull-up bar

A: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes of:

Deadlifts (8-6-4-2-1)

B: As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 minutes of:

100m overhead carry (45/25)

15 wall balls (30/20 – 10/9)

20 Lunges


Monday 12/28/15

“Joey” Look at those open hips!

Skill Work: 2 rounds not for time of:

40 double unders

8 kettlebell snatches (4 each side)

15 second L-sit hold from pull-up bar

A: Every 3 minutes on the minute of: 

push press (12-12-12-12-12)

B: 3 rounds for time of: 

10 sandbag ground to over the shoulder (75/55)

400m run

Sunday Funday 12/27/15

Warmer days here at Lamorinda CrossFit.

Warmer days here at Lamorinda CrossFit.

Open Gym

Upcoming competitions in the area:

The Redux Resolution

January 16th, 8am @ CrossFit Redux, Concord

NorCal Masters

January 30, 7am @  Craneway Pavilion, Richmond

Valentine’s Partner Throw down – You Snatched My Heart

February 6, 8am @ Ross Valley CrossFit, San Anselmo