1 June 17

What do you think of these start and finish positions?

Strength: Press 5,5,5+
MetCon: For time
50 Dumbbell Clean & Press (45,25)
30 Heavy Wall Balls (30,20)
10 Wall Walks
We had a great turnout for Jon Ide-Don, PT, shoulder mobility clinic last night. If anyone wants to contact him about individualized work, you can email him at
text or call him at
(925) 286-8545
and we have his business cards on top of the refrigerator in the gym.

31 May 17

Skill: Muscle ups
Partner MetCon: AMRAP in 10minutes of
1 Wheelbarrow the length of the cage
10 Air Squats
1 Wheelbarrow back
10 Strict Pullups each
Tonight we will be hosting physical therapist Jon Ide-Don from San Francisco CrossFit for a seminar on shoulder health and mobility. The lecture will be interactive, free for all LCF members, and will run from 6-7pm in place of our usual open gym hours.

30 May 17

The scores from yesterday’s WOD. Thanks to everyone who came to the WOD or barbecue!

Skill: Hand balancing (handstand, headstand, crow pose,…)
10 Single unders
10 double unders
20 singles
20 doubles
30 singles
30 doubles
40 singles
40 doubles
50 singles
50 doubles
4pm Kettlebell
3 rounds
6 clean/jerk L/R
100m farmers carry
6 snatch L/R
100m farmers carry
12 kb swings
On Wednesday the 31st of May we will be hosting physical therapist Jon Ide-Don from San Francisco CrossFit for a seminar on shoulder health and mobility. The lecture will be interactive, free for all LCF members, and will run from 6-7pm in place of our usual open gym hours.

29 May 17

Memorial Day 2017

Come spend Memorial Day with us at Lamorinda CrossFit.

Our day starts at 9am with our annual workout in honor of Sgt. Gabriel Guzman


4 rounds for time:

400m Run

25 Push Press (65-95)

25 Burpees

25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (35-53)

25 Sit-ups

Or stop by at 1pm for our potluck barbecue. Bring a dish to share and spend some time in the sun.


28 May 17

Sunday is Open Gym day from 9am until noon. Last chance to get ready for “Gabe”.

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Monday the 29th, will be Memorial Day. We welcome everyone to join us for a workout in honor of Anni’s brother Gabe at 9am as well as our potluck barbecue at 1pm.

4 rounds for time of

400m Run

25 Burpees

25 Push Presses (95/65)

25 Situps

25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (53-35)

On Wednesday the 31st of May we will be hosting physical therapist Jon Ide-Don from San Francisco CrossFit for a seminar on shoulder health and mobility. The lecture will be interactive, free for all LCF members, and will run from 6-7pm in place of our usual open gym hours.