Friday – 10/1/21

A: Deadlifts:
1×4 @40% of 1RM
1×4 @50% of 1RM
1×3 @60% of 1RM
1×3 @70% of 1RM
1×3 @80% of 1RM

B: Deadlifts @ 5×2 @85%
(Last set should be max reps)

B: 12-min EMOM of:
2 Fronts Squats @ 65% 1rm
3 Push-ups

Thursday – 9/30/21

A: Bent Row 4×5 working up in weight

B: Strict Press 4×5 working up in weight

C: 3 Rounds for time of:
200m Run
5 Burpees
15 Wall Balls
25 Double Unders (3:1 singles)

Wednesday – 9/29/21

Partner WOD for time:

Buy In: 400m – Double front rack KB carry

5 Rounds (each) of complex: (1 partner completes complex, other partner holds their weight in front rack position – then switch)
Complex = 1 Deadlift + 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk (135/95)

Into: (one partner working, other partner resting)
5 Rounds (each) of: 10 Pull-ups, 10 Deadlifts (135/95) + 10 Cal row

Tuesday – 9/28/21

A: Back Squat 5×4 @ 85% of your 1-rep max
(Last round max reps)

B: Good Mornings 3×8 @ 20% of your back squat for the day

C: 3 rounds for time of: (cap at 12 mins)
10 V-ups
10 Wallballs (10/9 – 20/14)
10 Toes to Bars
10 KB Swings
10 Push-ups

Monday – 9/27/21

A: Clinic “The Power Snatch”

B: “Isabel”
30 Snatches for time