Saturday 12/31/16


3 Rounds Not For Time Of

10 DB Bulgarian Deadlifts

20 Banded Face Pulls

20 Straight Arm Banded Lat Pull Downs

Sue working on her strength.

Sue working on her strength.

1 Min Rest


For Time


Pull Ups


Front Squat 155/115lb

Friday 12/30/16

Get your stretch and mobility on anyway you can.

Get your stretch and mobility on anyway you can.

Attention: The gym will be closed on New Year’s Day.

A: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete:

1 Clean and jerk adding weight each round to max for the day

Then: drop load to 70% and complete:

1 clean and jerk every 30 seconds for 15 sets

B: As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of: 

Max kettle bell swings (62/44)

10 push-ups ever time you break

Thursday 12/29/16

Slam dem balls

Slam dem balls

A: 20 minutes to find your 1 rep max: Back squat


As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes complete:

12 box jumps (24/20)

6 toes to bar

3 thrusters (115/75)

Wednesday 12/28/16

A: 3 rounds not for time of: 

10 dumbbell step-ups ( 10 each side)

10 weighted pull-ups

10 weighted leg raises 

rest a minute between rounds

B: For time complete: 

400 meter run

50 slam balls (30/20)

50 wall balls (20/14)

Tuesday 12/27/16

5×2 Muscle Snatch


5×1 Snatch Balance


Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete: 

1 Snatch


5 rounds for time of: 

20 calorie row

10 over the shoulder with sand bags (75/50)