Monday 2/29/16

LCF Family

LCF Family

Mobility: 2 rounds not for time of:

30 second banded Sampson stretch

30 second upper back, page lacrosse ball mobility

30 second t-spine foam roller stretch

A: 8 minutes to find max:

2 hang cleans + 2 (split/power) jerks

B: For Time:

50 thrusters (75/55)

30 power snatches975/55)

10 pull ups

Sunday 2/28/16

Amy and Misha getting their mobility on.

Amy and Misha getting their mobility on.

Many of our Open Competitors will be working on 16.1

Come cheer them on and get your work out in too!

Saturday 2/27/16

Pete, <a href=

tadalafil back in the day! Yes, order he always killed it. “/> Pete, stuff back in the day! Yes, he always killed it. 

A: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes of:

10 wallballs

B: 4 rounds for time of:

400 meter run

25 squats

Friday 2/26/15

It’s not too late to sign up! We want you!

A: Snatch Grip Deadlift

B: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform

10 kettlebell swings (72/62)

Thursday 2/25/16

There is still time sign up!!! Good Luck to all our 2016 Open competitors! Get it Cave Peeps!!

Warm-up: 2 rounds not for time of:

10 kettlebell snatches (5/5)

4 Turkish get-ups (2/2)

10 toes to bar

A: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes of:

snatch grip push press

B: For time:

25 push ups

50 box jumps

75 calorie row