Wednesday – 12/1/21

For time:
300 Single Unders


3 rounds of:
100m Wallball Carry
20 Wallball (20/14 – 10/9)
20 Toes to Bar
20 Alternating DB Snatches

Tuesday – 11/30/21

A: Front squats 3×4 @70%

B: 10-min EMOM
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat (build in weight)

C: 10 rounds 20 sec work/10 rest
Alternating plank pull-throughs and heel taps

Monday – 11/29/21

3 rounds at each station: 45sec work, 15sec rest/switch
Step ups
Hip extensions
Banded glute bridges

Saturday – 11/27/21

For time:
4 rounds of
20 plate overhead lunges
10 burpee to plate
100 meter plate run/carry
2 rounds of
200m row
25 V-ups

Friday – 11/26/21

A: 15 min AMRAP of complex (rest 20 sec between each complex)
1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Jerk

B: 2000m row