Friday – 7/1/22

Partner WOD:
10 Box Jumps 20″
10 Wall balls 14/10
10 Pike Push-Ups
10 Abmat Sit-Ups

P1: Work towards AMRAP
P2: Completes 10x 20 foot Shuttle Runs
1. Switch off every 10 shuttle runs
2. Pick up AMRAP where partner stopped
3. Repeat for the rest of the 15min.

Thursday – 6/30/22

23-min AMRAP (shed weight each round)
10 Deadlifts 105/95 – 85/75 – 65/55
10 Power Cleans
10 Push-ups
10 Snatches
10 Overhead Squats
10 V-ups
10 Front squats
10 Bent Rows
400m Row

Wednesday – 6/29/22

A. Wide Grip Negative Pull-Ups
4 Rounds of 8-12 – Use band assistance as needed to be able to complete a 5-second decent.

B. 10 Minutes for for reps:

50 Double Unders
50 KB Swings 53/35
40 Double Unders
40 KB Swings
30 Double Unders
30 KB Swings
20 Double Unders
20 KB Swings
10 Double Unders
10 KB Swings
Into Max Burpees
Score = amount of burpees (or how far you got in 10 min)

Tuesday – 6/28/22

A: 7-min AMRAP of:
5 Box Jumps
10 Dumbbell Snatches
15 ABMAT Sit-ups
1 Rope Climb

B: Back Squat working for a heavy 3 reps

Monday – 6/27/22

For time:
21 Chest to Bar
50 Double Unders
21 Clean and Jerks (95/65)
50 Double Unders
15 Chest to Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Clean and Jerks (95/65)
50 Double Unders
9 Chest to Bar
50 Double Unders
9 Clean and Jerks (95/65)