Tuesday 1/31/17

Jonathan showing good form.

Jonathan showing good form.


As many reps as possible in 7 minutes of burpees, jumping to a 6′ target


15 minutes to find 3 rep max front squat

Then: drop weight by 10% and perform 3 x 3 of front squats

Monday 1/30

4 rounds not for time of:

8 Snatch Grip Romanian DL

8 Seated DB Presses

8 Strict Pull Ups


AMRAP in 12min

500m Row

20 DB Snatches 55/40lb (1/1)


AMRAP in 12min

500m Row

20 DB Cleans 44/35lb (1/1)


AMRAP in 12min

500m Row

20 KB Swings 53/35lb

Saturday 1/28/17

Daniele running in the beautiful California sun

Daniele running in the beautiful California sun

Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes complete:

3 deadlifts


For Time complete 21-15-9 reps of:

Ball Slams (30/20)


Rest 2 minutes then complete:

500 meter row for time

Friday!! 1/27/17

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes complete:

Power Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk


For time

15 Back Squat (185/125)

20 Burpees

18 Front Squats (155/95)

20 Burpees

21 overhead squats (115/65)

20 Burpees