Sunday – 1/1/23

Just for Fun In-House Comp!

All are welcome–all experience levels! Don’t have a partner yet? Doesn’t matter! Show up, get paired, and have fun.

Gym will open at 9am for warm-ups. Competition will run from 10am-noon, with pot luck lunch after. Grill will be fired up if you’d like to use it.

*No open gym today*

Saturday – 12/31/22

New Year’s Countdown
100 Double Unders
90 Sit-ups
80 Walking Lunges
70 Single-arm DB/KB Push Presses (35/35)
60 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Supermans
40 Cal Row
30 Wall Balls
20 Ring Rows
10 Turkish Get-ups (5/5)

Friday – 12/30/22

A: 8-min AMRAP of:
10 DB Snatches (35/25)
10 Air Squats
10-sec rest

B: 3×5 Deadlifts to 70% 1rm

C: 10 Rounds of:
4 Laying toe taps
4 V-ups
3 Weighted Glute Bridges
Rest :15

Thursday – 12/29/22

A: 8 Rounds for time of:
4 Power Cleans (135/95)
4 Push-ups
B: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 5 rounds:
21 KB American Swings (53/35)
12 Burpees (to target – 6” above fingertip with stretched out arms)

A: 5 Rounds of Max Plank holds with 30 second rest between.
B: 4×6 strict pull-ups (use band if needed)
C: : 12 min Partner Cal Row:
Switch every min

Wednesday – 12/28/22

A: 10-min EMOM:
1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Hang Power snatch+ 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Sotts Press (45/35 – all same weight)

B: Build to heavy triple: Power Snatch

C: 4 Rounds for time of (16-min cap):
400m Run
12 Toes to Bar
12 Box Jumps (24/20)