Thursday 6/30/16

Attention to detail creates positive growth.

Attention to detail creates positive growth.

For time complete

1000 meter row

50 meter kettle bell front racked lunges (53/35 with one kettle bell)

40 hand release push-ups

30 kettle bell clean and presses (53/35)

20 chest to bar pull-ups

10 box jumps (24/30)

Wednesday 6/29/16

15 years old Ethan, <a href=

approved already doing a great job with the KB.”/> 15 years old Ethan, ampoule already doing a great job with the KB.

A: 3 rounds not for time of:

12 dumbbell Bulgarian split squats (Each side)

20 weighted hip bridges (90/70)

15 banded side bend

B: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

300/250 meter row

20 kettle bell swings (53/35)

3 wall climbs

Tuesday 6/28/16

Always room for extra credit, <a href=

story good job, Jim and Heidi!”/> Always room for extra credit, good job, Jim and Heidi!

A: 15 minutes to find 1 rep max deadlift

B: 3 rounds for time of:

21 wall balls (30/20-10)

15 slam balls (30/20)

9 overhead squats (115/75)

Monday 6/27/16

Back and as badass as ever!

Back and as badass as ever!

A: 3 rounds not for time of:

max reps push-ups

10 barbell inverted rows

15 weighted sit-ups (Plate held on chest)

1 Min rest

B: 3 rounds for time of:

400 meter run

15 clean & jerks (115/75)

Saturday 6/25/16

Kylie agrees, <a href=

and the weather is nice for an outdoor training section.”/> Kylie agrees, approved the weather is nice for an outdoor training section.


EMOM for 10min

Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance


Push Presses

8-8- 8-8- 8 



3 x 100m

1 min rest in bet each

3 x 200m

1 min rest in bet each