Wednesday – 6/1/22

A: Thrusters adding weight each round

B: 3×1 Front Squat @ 95%

C: Tabata Hollow-holds then Tabata L-sit (with a plate)

Tuesday – 5/31/22

Gabe 2022


500m Row (easy)
10 minutes foam roll

10 minutes dynamic stretching

AMRAP 10 (as many rounds possible in 10 minutes)

10 Slam Balls or KB Swings

10 Double unders 

10 Sit-Ups

10 Air Squats

10 minutes static stretching when finished

Monday – 5/30/22 – Memorial Day

Sgt. Gabriel Guzman

WOD will start at 9am.

Please join us for a Memorial Day gathering – 1pm at LCF.

Bring some meat, a side dish and/or drinks.
Oh, and a chair.
BBQ will be hot and there are rumors of carne asada….

“SGT Gabriel Guzman”
4 rounds for time:
400m Run
25 Push Presses (95/65)
25 Burpees
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
25 Sit-ups

Saturday – 5/28/22

“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds for total reps in 17 minutes
1 minute Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55 lb)
1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)
1 minute Push Press (75/55 lb)
1 minute Row (calories)
1 minute Rest