Wednesday – 9/1/21

A: 3×4 all at 75% – Back Squats

B: B: Max reps at 75%

C. 5 rounds of 2 complexes (add weight to each round)

Complex = Snatch Deadlift + Dip Snatch + Overhead squat + Snatch Balance
(Scaled Complex = Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch + Full Snatch)

Tuesday – 8/31/21

20 minute AMRAP – Score is reps.
5 Wall Balls
10 Knees to elbows
15 Cal Row
(add 1 reps to each movement every round – round 2: 6 WB, 11 K2E, 16 Cal Row)

Monday – 8/30/21

A: 4 rounds, 6 reps Romanian Deadlift
B: 4 rounds, 6 reps Bent-over-Barbell Row
C: 4 rounds, 6 reps Pull-Ups
RX – Weighted, Intermediate: body weight, Scale: band
D: Tabata: Hollow Rocks
E: Tabata: Planks
F: Tabata: V-Ups

Saturday – 8/28/21

1 mile Run
16 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)

Rest 3 minutes

800 meter Run
16 Power Snatches (115/80 lb)

Rest 3 minutes

400 meter Run
16 Thrusters (95/65 lb)

(Scale: Partner WOD: Partners complete all running/movements working at the same time, each doing half)