Tuesday – 2/1/22

The CrossFit Open starts Feb 24th! Click here to register and participate with fellow LCFers.

15 min to find heavy Back Squat
40 Double Unders
50 Walking Lunges
60 Weighted Sit-ups (25/15)

(Score=weight + time)

Monday – 1/31/22

A: 6min EMOM
2 Cleans + 1 Jerk
(Use warm up weight, same weight for all)

B: Front Squat
3×4 @ 85%

C: 8min AMRAP
8 DB Snatches (45/35)
100m Sprint

9am KB Class
A: Swing Practice:
10min EMOM:
10 Swings

B: Conditioning

Saturday – 1/29/22

3×3 Power Snatch
3×3 Full Snatch
3×3 Power Clean
3×3 Full Clean
3×3 Jerk
3×3 Clean and Jerk

Friday – 1/28/22

A: 5 rope climbs

B: 6-min AMRAP
4 Deadlifts (185/155)
4 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

C: 8-min AMRAP
4 DB Thrusters (35/25)
4 Toes to Bar