Monday 10/31/16




Close Grip Bench press



AMRAP in 5 minutes

3 Hand Release Push Ups

6 toes to bar

9 burpees

Rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 5 minutes

3 Hand Release Push Ups

6 toes to bar

9 burpees

Saturday 10/29/16

Hard working Max

Hard working Max

A: 3 rounds not for time of:

40 double unders

1 minute hand stand hold (facing the wall)

1 rope climb

B: For time complete:

800 meter run

Rest 3 minutes

400 meter run

Rest 3 minutes

800 meter run

Friday 10/28/16

Climbing mount Blackwood !

Climbing mount Blackwood !

A: 12 minutes to find power snatch max for the day

B: 5 rounds for time of:

15 box jumps (24/20)

20 overhead walking lunges (45/25)

Thursday 10/27/16

The Sanchez family, <a href=

information pills committed to health.”/> The Sanchez family, decease committed to health.

A: 5 rounds for time of: 

100 meter waiter walk (45/25)

15 kettle bell swings (70/53)

B: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes complete: 

8 presses