Tuesday 5/31/16



A: 15 minutes to find today max weight in the following complex

clean + hang clean + jerk

B: 3 rounds for time of:

400 meter run

10 hang power cleans (135/95)

5 shoulders to overhead

Monday 5/30/16

Gabe, <a href=

clinic rest in peace.”/> Gabe, rest in peace.

“SGT. Gabriel Guzman”

4 Rounds For Time

400 meter

25 push presses

25 burpees

25 sit-ups

25 sumo deadlift high pulls

Saturday 5/28/16

Pete, <a href=

shop working hard, order as always.”/> Pete, working hard, as always.

A: 3 rounds for time of:

10 box jumps overs 24/20”

10 sit-ups

10 toes to bar

B: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes complete:

10 Barbell Split Squats

C: Complete: 50 V-ups for time

Friday 5/27/16

A: 2 rounds not for time of:

10 banded kettle bell swings

10 kettle bell good mornings

10 kettle bell goblet squats

B: Every 3 minutes on the minute complete:

3 – 4 inch-deficit deadlift

C: 5 rounds for time of:

10 dumbbell snatches (65/45)

10 hand release push-ups

10 dumbbell goblet squats (65/45)