Thursday – 12/1/22

A: 3 Rounds Max Strict Pull-ups

B: 5×2 Press for weight

C: 40:20 Circuit – 4 Rounds:
Battle Rope
KB Deadlifts
Ring Rows

D: 10 Burpees For Time

For Time:
100m Run + 100m Row +10 Burpees – Rest 1 minute
200m Run + 200m Row + 10 Burpees – Rest 2 minutes
300m Run + 300m Row + 10 Burpees – Rest 3 minutes
200m Run + 200m Row + 10 Burpees – Rest 2 minutes
100m Run + 100m Row +10 Burpees
10 Rounds of: 3 Pull ups + 3 Wall balls

Wednesday – 11/30/22

A: 4×4 Back Squats for weight

B: 2×8-10 reps at 60% of your max weight for the day on part B.

C: 4 Rounds for Time and Weight on Clean and Jerk:
200m Sandbag Carry
10 push-ups
2 Clean and Jerks (Add weight each round)

D: 10 Burpees For Time (yeah, that’s it)

Tuesday – 11/29/22

A: 4 Rounds For Time: 200m Row – 3 Box Jumps

B: 4 Rounds of 3 Complexes – For Weight
1 Complex =
Deadlift + Power Clean + 2 Front Squats

C: 8 min AMRAP of:
100m Run
5 Pull-ups
5 Burpees

Monday – 11/28/22

For Time:
5 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
20 ABMAT Sit-ups
30 Wall Balls
40 Lunges
50 KB Swings
40 Lunges
30 Wall Balls
20 ABMAT Sit-ups
10 Burpees
5 Pull-ups

Saturday – 11/26/22

Randy with a Twist
75 Power Snatches for time (75/55)
Every minute on the minute, complete 3 Box Jumps (24/20) (Everyone should complete box jumps unless medically unable – build a stack to a height that is useable for scaling, if needed)