Thursday 3/31/16

Laura kick'n butt in her WOD!

Laura kick’n butt in her WOD!

A: Back squat

B: For Time Complete:

21 reps of ground to overhead (95/65)

250 meter row

15 reps of ground to overhead (95/65)

250 meter row

9 reps of ground to overhead (95/65)

250 meter row

Wednesday 3/30/16

Congratulations to all who completed the 2016 Open! Thank you to all the people who participated, information pills watched and cheered, seek and who came in and spent hours judging our athletes. What an amazing show of drive and athleticism. We had so much fun!!!  

A: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes complete:

power snatch + hand snatch + snatch

B: 5 rounds for time of:

10 box jumps

15 pull-ups

20 kettle bell swings (53/35)

Tuesday 3/29/16

A: Seated dumb bell presses:

B: For time complete

15 over head squats (95/65)

400 meter run

30 front squats (95/65)

500 meter row

45 wall balls (20/14 – 10/9)

400 meter run with a med/slam ball

Monday 3/28/16

Danny is back and he didn't skip a beat!!!

Danny is back and he didn’t skip a beat!!!

A: As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 minutes:

20 dumb bell lunges (45/25)

10 dumb bell thrusters (45/25)

10 dumb bell hang power snatches (45/25)

B: Every 3 minutes on the minute for 15 minutes complete:

3 sumo deadlifts