Wednesday 11/30/16

A: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes complete

2 x Snatch Pull + 1 Hang  Power Snatch

B: 1000mRow, dosage Then

4 rounds for time of:

20 Wall Balls 20/14-10”

20 Balls Slams 30/20lb

20 Hang Power Cleans 115/65lb

Tuesday 11/29/16

A: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes complete:

2 x clean and jerks

B: 4 rounds each consisting of:

15 seconds of work, stuff 45 seconds of rest of

deadlifts (205/135)


Russian kettle bell swings (53/44)


Monday 11/28/16

A:  Strict Presses


B: 4 rounds for time of:

100 meter waiter carry (45/25)

10 Sumo-deadlift-high pulls (115/75)

10 burpees box jump overs (24/20)


Saturday 11/26/16


3 Rds Not For Time

10 DB Romanian Split Squats

10 Strict Dips

10 Weighted Sit Ups


For Time

500m Row

40 FS 135/95lb

30 Ball Slams 30/20

20 Thrusters 95/65lb

10 C2B Pull Ups