Thursday – 12/15/22

A: 21-15-9 For Time of Burpees and DB Thrusters (35/25)

B: 16 Alternating Rounds (20:10)
Penguin Heel Taps
Bicycle Crunch
Superman Angels
Dead-hang from rig

A: Death by:
Wall Balls + Push-ups

B: For Time: 20 min Cap
3000m Row
300 Double Unders (1:1)

Wednesday – 12/14/22

A: Tabata Plank (Alternate rounds from hands to shoulders)

B: 7 Min AMRAP of:
10 Push Presses (85/55)
20 Walking Lunges

C: 3X6 Deadlift – For Heavy for the day

D: 10 Burpees for time

Tuesday – 12/13/22

A: EMOM 8 – 2 Overhead Squats + 1 Snatch Balance
Straight into

B: EMOM 8 – 3 Power Cleans
(For both A&B – Grab weights ahead of time to have near you – add weight – each or every other round to heavy for day)

C: 8-min Amrap of:
8 KB Swings
8 Wall Balls (10/9 – 20/14)
8 Supermans

Monday – 12/12/22

A: Back Squat 4×4 for max weight for the day

B: 10 Rounds for time of:
15 KB Swings (62/53)
5 Pull-ups
1 minute rest

C: 10 Burpees for time

Saturday – 12/10/22

16-min AMRAP of:
20 Double Unders (Singles 3:1)
15 ABMAT Sit ups (RX+ – Toes to Bar)
20 Double Unders (Singles 3:1)
20 Slam Balls
15 Wall Balls (10/9 – 20/14)
20 Slam Balls
20 Ring Rows (RX+: Pull-ups)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Ring Rows (RX+: Pull-ups)