Wednesday – 12/21/22

A: 5 Rounds for time of:
10 Sit-ups
10 KB Swings
10 Double Unders

B: 4×3 Max weight for the day – Back Squats

Tuesday – 12/20/22

A: EMOM 10 – 1 Snatch + 3 Box Jumps (same weight for all rounds – Mid to heavy weight for snatch)

B: For Time:
10 Deadlifts (205/155)
10 Pull-ups
10 Deadlifts
10 Toes to bar
800m Row

Monday – 12/19/22

5 Rounds of 3 complexes:
1 Complex =
2 Hang Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push-presses + 1 Overhead Squat
(Rest as needed between rounds)

Saturday – 12/17/22

Partner WOD: 2 minute each movement – trade off as you wish
KB Swings
Goblet Squats
KB/DB Snatch
Burpees onto plate
KB Halos
Bent Rows
Deck Squats
Heels over KBs
Turkish Get-ups

Friday – 12/16/22

A: 3×3 Push Press (add weight between rounds)

B: Split Jerks – Work on mechanics to mid/heavy weight

C: Grace – For Time
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)