PVC/Broomstick Pass-throughs, Dynamic Leg Kicks (Front, Back, Side)
5 Rounds of KB or DB Complex:
Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press (light weight)

A: 10 Turkish Get-ups each side
B: 5×5 Push-presses (each side)
C: 12 minute AMRAP of
– 10 Dips
– 10 Pistols (5/5)
– 10 Push-ups
– 40 Double-unders (40 jumping jacks, 80 singles)

Lunch Abs Sesh
3-4 Rounds of
– 20 (10 each side) – Russian Twists
– 10 Bus-driver Squats (holding a light weight with arms extended the entire time – abs fully engaged)
– 20 Windmills (10 each side)