Grandma knows what’s up

Join us tomorrow for the Lafayette Reservoir Run!

8am Kettlebell
45 on 15 off
Circuit: 1 hip bridge, reverse lunge each leg, kb press from your knees,1 arm row each arm.
Circuit: 2kb swings, air squats, standing kb press, push up w/shoulder touches.
Circuit: 3 forward lunge, walking alt. press, kb deadlift, 1 arm swings.

9am WOD
a. AMRAP in 20 minutes
– 400m run
– 10 back squat (135,95)
– 8 Handstand Push ups
b. 3 rds:
– 1 minute plank
* 30 second rest
– 1 minute superman hold

10am Olympic Lifting
Come in (or stay after earlier class) and work on your snatches/clean & jerks with Coach Travis. Everyone welcome!