8am Kettlebell
KB challenge:
100 swings
90 goblet squats
80 lunges
70 cleans
60 around the body
50 alt swings
40 renegade rows
30 snatches
20 thrusters
10 TGU

9am WOD
Stations with a partner: 8 minutes each, 3 minute rest between stations

Station 1 – partner one does a sprint with the prowler to no parking and back and 10 push ups, once push ups are completed partner two goes

Station 2 – partner one does 10 american swings (53,35) and 10 air squats, once the squats are complete partner 2 goes

Station 3 – partner one does 15 sit ups and 1 wall walk, once the wall walk is complete partner two goes

10am Olympic Lifting

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